Time Live Olympic Street Entertainment & Volunteers Needed!
Join in this timely opportunity
& indulge in a playful slice of Olympic energy as a performance
artist, volunteer or corporate sponsor.
Deadline for musicians, artist applications....extended to Friday. Jan.
25th. has negotiated a
sweet opportunity with
I Heart Van Art, organizers of the
"MADE IN VANCOUVER: Festival and street events happening during the
Olympics in Yaletown
in support of this websites pre-launch. We have a full day of
"Wreck Beach Live" entertainment space available that will
showcase our many, multi-talented WBC performance artists,
musicians, videographer's, photographers and artists who wish to participate. We have use of two fully
equipped street stages located in Yaletown on Wed. Feb. 24th
with live shows from 2pm-10pm, in the heart of Olympic
energy. There are 2 weeks solid of LOCAL ARTS AND CULTURE being shown on these
stages from Feb. 13-27th and Hollywood has aligned a day for
Wreck Beach to Shine!
A Volunteer Project of
Artists supporting Artists. WE NEED YOUR HELP Wreck
Community! Email us "YES I AM INTERESTED" NOW!
A once in a lifetime
opportunity, let's share the LOVE and show the world what
Vancouver and Wreck Beach Community is about. Open to all WBC Community to participate,
we will select the best of the best! Deadline to apply is
Fri. Jan. 22, so send in your details via our contact page. Make no mistake, this
will be a fabulous, well attended, media covered event, that
supports everyone involved. Even if you are not a performing
artist, our Corporate Sponsor "Life Changing Events" is acting as
Festival Director in collaboration with our other Corporate Sponsor
"I Heart Van Art" so we need 100 volunteers throughout the Made in
Vancouver Festival to make this all happen. We also need other
local grass roots businesses as Corporate Sponsors to donate
products, services and cash to this project so we can show everyone
how we, as Wreck Beach Community are willing to co-create together
with our co-sponsors
I Heart Van Art, despite cuts
to the ARTS.
STILL IN NEED of Magicians, Mimes, Jugglers, Live
Painters, Variety Acts, Live Statues for the Made in
Vancouver festival.
- Held in the busiest
area in Downtown during the Olympics (Yaletown
on Hamilton & Mainland between Davie and Drake)
- Expecting 10,000
people per hour to walk through the streets,
with minimum 60,000 people a day watching
- A festival showcasing
ONLY VANCOUVER-BASED talent: musicians, visual
artists, dancers, films, entertainment, etc.
- A family-friendly,
not-for-profit festival put on by people
(majority volunteers) who are passionate about
seeing local Vancouver Arts & Culture presented
before world audiences
- Going to be one of the
largest showcases of local talent for the
biggest audience of world visitors in
- Merchandise Tent
by both stages for Yaletown Street Events
Feb. 13-27th during Olympic weeks are
available for all performers to sell related
art, music, T-shirts, books, paraphanalia.
Performers merchandise must be approved on
Feb. 3, 2010 at Chapel Arts at 7pm-9pm at
304 Dunlevy Street (2 blocks East of Main at
Yaletown Onsite
Performer/Tech/Stage Manager Orientation Wed.
Feb. 10th 6pm-8pm. Use this opportunity
to get familiar with the stage location and
other details so you know exactly where to go
when the Feb. 24th Wreck Beach LIVE event
At least 1 performer representative should
attend this orientation meeting. Meet at
EQ3 at Hamilton and Nelson.
- Personalized WBC
Creative Webpage available as a WBC Hall of
Fame Olympic Seed" Member for a special price of
only $100 (regular $300) to showcase your
talents during the Olympics. As there are
many advertising and paper waste restrictions
during the Olympics, no banners, flyers or
business cards may be handed out during the
Yaletown street performances, thus, WBC as your
sponsor, will be the best way to advertise your
talents and link audience members to your
Personal Creative Webpage and other website,
video, music or gallery links included on those
pages as we expect 1000's of people to log on
the site daily.
- Useable,
Independent Promotional Material available.
A photography team, film crew and journalistic
bloggers are on board documenting the entire
"MADE IN VANCOUVER" Festival, offering many
possibilities for you during and post Olympics,
with online downloads daily to
I Heart Van Art
7pm-2am ~ $15-$25 donation. Chapel Arts
304 Dunlevy Street (2 blocks East of Main at
Volunteer, buy T-shirts, buttons, spread the
word, bring business cards and flyers for the
network table. T-shirts will be more
expensive during the Olympics so buy them here!
- Art Bar & Music
Jamming every Thursday 7pm-11pm ~ Free
Admission. Chapel Arts 304 Dunlevy Street
(2 blocks East of Main at Cordova).
Another opportunity to showcase your art.
Contact Miss David
if you have artwork
to display. No commissions for these events as
they are a place for artists and musicians to
socialize, share their talents and play music
together. Proceeds to
I Heart Van Art
in support of the volunteer "MADE IN VANCOUVER"
- I Heart Van Art
Social and Short Film Festival Day Thurs. Jan.
28th 7pm-11pm.
Free Admission.
Chapel Arts 304 Dunlevy Street (2 blocks
East of Main at Cordova).
This is the last chance to gather and meet
people on the MADE IN VANCOUVER Festival team.
There’s a bar, pool table, dance floor and short
film submissions. Do I hear pop corn?
- Private Performer
After Parties on Opening and Closing Days Feb.
13th and Feb. 27th after 10pm at the Chapel
Arts 304 Dunlevy Street (2 blocks East of
Main at Cordova). Available for all
performers and volunteers participating in the I
Heart Van Art "MADE IN VANCOUVER" Festival
during the Olympic weeks noted.
- Attend the I Heart
Van Art "MADE IN VANCOUVER" Festival running
from Sat. Feb. 13 ~ Sat. Feb. 27th. Be
in attendance and support of all the other
performance artists showcasing their talents
throughout the two weeks on the Olympics Street
stages in Yaletown on Hamilton between
Nelson, Davie, Drake, Helmecken.
Also enter our current contests for
wonderful prizes and possibilities...
to Win" a Free Creative Page deadline Jan. 31, 2010 or "Design
our Logo" deadline Feb. 10,
2010 |
Shadow's Wreck Beach Harvest Party Sept.

It was a grand day of incredible music and
truly inspirational jamming participation from many other
accomplished musicians. It spiraled up in energy as 50 or more
gathered, some joining in harmony to all the songs remembered.
It then moved into a high energy rhythmic drumming jam that
attracted many beautiful goddesses and gods, dancing mostly naked in
memorable community magic. It was certainly a day to
remember...thanks to everyone that came out and played with us in
whatever way that looked like! |
Olympic Street Events page Index...what's
to come... Information & Details for
Participating WBC Members
- Details of Olympic Street Party Events for performing
artists and volunteers
Visual Artists, Singers, Dancers, Dance Groups, Musicians, New Media
Artists, Actors, Photographers, Videographers, Art Collectives,
Street Performers, Performance Artists, Jugglers, Magicians,
Children's Entertainers, Circus Acts, Roving Characters, Theatre
Groups plus VOLUNTEERS to work as Lighting Designers, Stage
Managers, Audio Engineers, Administrative Staff, Promoters, Press
Liasons. CORPORATE SPONSORS and anyone else who would like to
share their supportive, creative and artistic talents with the
- Submit your performer request to participate through the contact page for
consideration as deadline is Friday Jan. 22 and we are filling slots
quickly. Space is limited...decisions made based on quick
replies...talents and what is available.
- Send request with name, phone, email, how you wish to participate,
include pictures, weblinks, video or music style and links,
anything relative to your talent.
- Feb. 3rd is Merchandise approval day and at least 1 member
must attend bringing all applicable merchandise you wish to
sell. Items must be directly related to what you are doing
as a performance. T-shirts, Cd's, books, art, is
appropriate. (see above notes under other opportunities)
- Feb. 10th is On Site Orientation and at least 1 member must
be in attendance.
- Although this is not a paying gig, the visibly public and
promotional opportunity does not get much better than this!
VOLUNTEERS...We need about 100 plus of you minimum, to
make this all happen. What are your talents and how would you like
to support this project?
Due to the rules and regulations for less paper and waste on the
streets during the Olympics, no flyers, business cards or banners
are allowed. Your talents will be easily found through the
website as our
sponsor logo
will be shown onscreen at the event stage.
As an incentive, your Hall of Fame "Olympic Seed" Membership for
$100 offers you a Personal Creative Webpage (Sample
page)on this website and insures you are seen
and remembered during and long after the Olympics have past. These pages are being created daily
for those wishing to jump on board in support of, its Community, our kind Corporate Sponsor Life
Changing Events and YOU.
Whether you perform at the planned Olympic Street Events or not,
this website will be accessed thousands of
times daily during these events, especially when our local and
international visitors get a real taste of our own Wreck Beach magic
You must have at the very least, a WBC Basic Community Membership ($12 for 1 year)
in order to participate in this opportunity in any way as a
performer or volunteer. In order for to
be well established before the summer months are upon us, we are
taking this opportunity to pre-launch our website with the Olympic
WBC Basic Community Member ~ $12 donation for 1
For only $1 a month in support of this project, be a part of all
the fun, news and entertainment happening with Wreck Beach
Community. This membership includes...
- Our monthly WBC newsletter
- Email notification of upcoming Wreck Beach related events
- Laminated Member Card to inspire you
WBC Hall of Fame "Olympic Seed" Member ~
$100 donation for 1 year...
This opportunity is available for anyone who jumps on board in
support of the WBC project prior to the Olympics (deadline Jan.
31, 2010). A specially offered membership. it has been presented
as an opportunity for Creative souls to be a visible entity on WBC's
Creative Community pages during the Olympics. Show up in support of
our specially sponsored day of "Wreck Beach LIVE" on Wacky
Wednesday Feb. 24th in the heart of Yaletown (Hamilton to Mainland
between Davie & Drake) during the Olympic action. Our participation
as a sponsor in
I Heart Van Arts 15 day "MADE IN
VANCOUVER" FESTIVAL running from Feb. 13-27th. will bring thousands
of visitors to this website before, during and after the Olympics
and is an amazing opportunity for exposure for our members. This membership
and webpage creation (Valued at $300) includes...
- Benefits of the WBC Basic Community Membership
- Your name posted for life in WBC Hall of Fame as an
"Olympics Seed" Sponsor
- A Creative Webpage designed for your talents (An $8.33 per
month bargain!)
- Total of 30 minutes of free webpage updates throughout the
- Personalized Laminated "Seed" Member Card to inspire you
- View sample
Creative page
Upgrade for $35 and
gain all the Active Community Member benefits above plus..
- Additional 1
hour of time for extra updates on your personalized WBC webpage.
- Webpage & Membership may be renewed for same price and
benefits for 2011.
- This is the best deal in town for a
webpage customized personally for you plus all the included
benefits and discounts of a WBC Active Membership
- View sample
Creative page
Notes: Extra updates beyond the total 1.5hrs allowed with
"Olympic Seed" Member Creative page and Active Membership upgrade
with updates noted, will be charged at member priced hourly rate
with specials occasionally offered to motivate. Pages can be
added to in length as desired to achieve the look that you want.
CONTESTS...Open to all Wreck Beach
of this as your if I missed anything you think we
should add, let me know! This
co-creative endeavor is a massive project, so we welcome all your
ideas, photos, videos, musical expressions, artistic endeavors,
healing arts, love letters, stories, newsletter contributions and
anything fun that is Wreck Beach related worth sharing. As the
collection of your contributions comes together, we will sift, sort
and blend it into an ever-evolving expression of inspiration for
everyone. Within each page on the links above, you will see an
index filled with ideas of how it may be developed. Some of
these hold lofty goals and include long term plans, as my
attitude is, "Hold the Vision Clear and See Who and What Shows Up."
So as we gain momentum to facilitate the process with your generous
donations, physically, financially, spiritually and creatively, this
loving community project will come together. If you feel
motivated to participate by co-creating any of the areas noted on
the site, by all means let us know, as there is lot's to do and we
are happy to give credit as long as I have final edit!
We so look forward to your support in whatever
way that looks, as YOU are one of the many special pieces that makes
Wreck Beach Community what it is. So don't be shy, start
brainstorming and send in your ideas as soon as possible. I
welcome your contributions. With much Love...Hollywood.