Everything you need to know about our world famous Vancouver BC Nudist Paradise Wreck Beachers, this is YOUR website and we await YOUR contributions, so get on it! |
An opportunity for the amazing Wreck Beach Community to express their Creativity, Playfulness, Entertainment and Love with everyone. |
It's a Wreck Beach Day...Live Webcam Views of Vancouver's Wreck Beach weather right here! Every day is a great day at our world famous Wreck Beach. In the summer months June through to September in particular, there is plenty to enjoy, guaranteed. These are also the months that our local beach vendors are set up to indulge your senses with things like great shopping, yummy food and relaxing massage. On a full sun weekday or weekend, the eclectic Mardi Gras flavored crowd will be in full swing and it is better than any reality TV show, believe me! Even if it is not blazingly sunny, the regulars that frequent our famous clothing optional beach come year round, and are usually bursting with crazy antics, lots of acoustic music jamming and a wealth of love and community spirit. Visitors that make their way down the 473 stairs to the beach at Trail #6 in particular, will smile at the joyful sounds, sights and smells that permeate our world renowned sandbox. This year there have been as many as 8 eagles flying over us constantly, with lots of herons, seals, hawks, geese and more. Remember, cameras are frowned upon to respect everyone's privacy, so you must ask BEFORE clicking on a group scene, or risk your camera or camera phone being confiscated by the natives. Not everyone wants their photo on facebook these days, especially from unknown sources! Just as a note, if it is a cloudy day with sunny periods, chances are, it is beautiful at Wreck Beach due to the offshore coastal wind factor. If it is really windy and blowing in from the west or south, it may be worth renting or bringing an umbrella for a wind or sun shield. There have been many times when it was raining in North, West or East Vancouver and yet it was beautiful and sunny at Wreck Beach all day. Remember to save our weather page in your favorites, so we see you at the beach more often! Wreck Beach Video from CBC's Archives of The Seven Wonders of Canada |
![]() The Top 3 "Weather Webcams" for a Wreck Beach day perspective...
Weather by phone Enviro Canada 604-664-9010 Online Weather Links |
Wreck Beach Weather #1 UBC Arts Webcam (slow to load) This is the best webcam to check out, as if faces the ocean directly above the cliffs at Wreck Beach by Trail #6. It is like looking down to the beach sands, as to what is coming in weather wise on the ocean front. If it looks good on the above, it's definitely a Wreck Beach Day. The point of land usually centered or to the far top left is the beginning of Jericho and Spanish Banks beaches that face to the North towards downtown Vancouver. Wreck Beach and UBC is just around the corner further West (assuming the camera is facing the usual direction). A great overview of the weather from this perspective. Use refresh button for new photo every 5 minutes. Camera usually faces in the direction of the sunset (W/S/W in winter, W/N/W in summer). Put arrow on picture and click to enlarge area desired. See archives and sunset archives for more pics. Click on image to enlarge photos. #3 English Bay Note time of photo as well as sunrise, sunset and current temperature. The top left once again is Point Grey and UBC area, so it gives a good view of the weather heading in to the beach. You are looking down at Sunset Beach and west over English Bay. North Shore mountains and Bowen Island are at the top right On a good day you will also see the Gulf and Vancouver Islands centered. The famous Vancouver Seawall borders the land on both sides. A view taken north from Jericho Beach in Vancouver, updated every 10 minutes during daylight hours. This is the third best shot of the beaches weather to get a sense of what Wreck might look like, as it is just around the corner from Jericho Beach.
We look forward to seeing you on the beach soon!
Weather by Satelite Link soon to be posted... Other Vancouver Webcams A north view of the West End of downtown Vancouver taken from the west side in Kitsilano from across the bay. A great view of the weather downtown. A great selection of many Greater Vancouver Regional District webcams around the lower mainland for all areas, bridges, airport, downtown, outskirts and so on.
A Wreck Beach Sunset and one of the landmark designer log pieces that graced our beach for years, now removed. |
Wreck Beach Weather Page Index...what's to come...
WreckBeachCanada.com was activated Summer of 2008 and officially launched Dec. 2009, although the initial ideas were seeded several years ago in Hollywood's creative, visionary mind. As she talked about the idea with other Wreck Beachers, she was met with wholehearted support, as they too expressed their excitement about sharing more of the Community magic we all experience together. Since then, the seed has grown and developed into a beautiful tree whose time has come to offer the fruits of many. Meanwhile, global mass consciousness has also shifted, as people use the internet to engage with the world community at large, connecting, expressing and sharing their individuality, effectively dissolving the perceived separation that borders have created. Communication, including the online version, is what will ultimately heal our world, as we come to know and understand more about each other. This website is meant to participate in that global evolution, as we, the Wreck Beach Community, are simply a microcosmic expression of the macrocosmic beauty of Creation itself.
of this as your site... This co-creative endeavor is a massive project, so we welcome all your ideas, photos, videos, musical expressions, artistic endeavors, healing arts, love letters, stories, newsletter contributions and anything fun that is Wreck Beach related worth sharing. As the collection of your contributions comes together, we will sift, sort and blend it into an ever-evolving expression of inspiration for everyone. Within each page on the links above, you will see an index filled with ideas of how it may be developed. Some of these hold lofty goals and include long term plans, as our attitude is, "Hold the Vision Clear and See Who and What Shows Up." So as we gain momentum to facilitate the process with your generous donations, physically, financially, spiritually and creatively, this loving community project will come together. If you feel motivated to participate by co-creating any of the areas noted on the site, by all means let us know, as there is lot's to do and we are happy to give credit as long as we have final edit! We so look forward to your support in whatever way that looks, as YOU are one of the many special pieces that makes Wreck Beach Community what it is. So don't be shy, start brainstorming and send in your ideas as soon as possible. We welcome your contributions. With much Love...Hollywood.