Everything you need to know about our world famous Vancouver BC Nudist Paradise Wreck Beachers, this is YOUR website and we await YOUR contributions, so get on it! |
An opportunity for the amazing Wreck Beach Community to express their Creativity, Playfulness, Entertainment and Love with everyone. |
Michael Asti-Rose Model Release If for any reason, your photo is shown here and you feel your privacy has been violated, please contact us and we will drop it immediately. Much care has been taken to insure that all models have given permission and signed a release form. If you do like your reflection as shown here, then please fill out and activate this cyber release form. Your beauty builds current and future art benches in our city. Natural Magick! Home Artist Bio Order Details Model Release
Model Release Form...soon
to come in word format... Please copy and paste this document into an email first for quick response. We will contact you immediately, to mail your signed release form to us. Thank you! In consideration of $__________and/or____________________________________________ receipt of which is acknowledged, I (full name______________________________________ do hereby give Michael Asti-Rose and Wreck Beach Canada.com, his/her assigns, licensees and legal representatives the irrevocable right to use my image in all forms and media and in all manners, including composite or distorted representations, for advertising, trade, or any other lawful purposes, and I waive any rights to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy that may be created in connection therewith. The following name may be used in reference to these photographs: My real name, or _______________________________________________________________ Short description of photos, title and number if shown in slideshow, or webpage if elsewhere, ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Additional Information:___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT: Full name______________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________State/Prov___________________________________ Country__________________________________ZIP__________________________________ Phone (Cell)__________________(Home)__________________(Work)___________________ Email Address__________________________________________________________________ CONSENT (If model is under the age of 18) I am thee parent or guardian of the minor named above and have the legal authority to execute the above release. I approve the foregoing and waive any rights in the premises. PLEASE PRINT: Full name______________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________State/Prov___________________________________ Country__________________________________ZIP__________________________________ Phone (Cell)__________________(Home)__________________(Work)___________________ Email Address__________________________________________________________________ Model or guardian (as noted above) must sign this release form below... Signature______________________________________________________________________ Witness________________________________________________________________________ Dated this day of____________________________in___________________________________
Think of this as
your website...so if we missed anything you think we should add, let
us know! This co-creative endeavor is a massive project, so we welcome all your ideas, photos, videos, musical expressions, artistic endeavors, healing arts, love letters, stories, newsletter contributions and anything fun that is Wreck Beach related worth sharing. As the collection of your contributions comes together, we will sift, sort and blend it into an ever-evolving expression of inspiration for everyone. Within each page on the links above, you will see an index filled with ideas of how it may be developed. Some of these hold lofty goals and include long term plans, as our attitude is, "Hold the Vision Clear and See Who and What Shows Up." So as we gain momentum to facilitate the process with your generous donations, physically, financially, spiritually and creatively, this loving community project will come together. If you feel motivated to participate by co-creating any of the areas noted on the site, by all means let us know, as there is lot's to do and we are happy to give credit as long as we have final edit! We so look forward to your support in whatever way that looks, as YOU are one of the many special pieces that makes Wreck Beach Community what it is. So don't be shy, start brainstorming and send in your ideas as soon as possible. We welcome your contributions. With much Love...Hollywood.